Friday, February 11, 2011

Why turning 57 is......"Fabulous"!

I, know...... I know, it's pretty much "taboo" for a lady to tell her age, but I am so thankful the Lord has blessed me with His gift of life, I don't mind sharing my age! My "guardian angels" have been very busy watching over me, the last couple of years.....and they've done a "fabulous" job protecting this girl! Life is a precious gift, that we should treasure each and every day. 

So this brings me to "why" I feel turning "57" is fabulous"! I'm going to start my list and I'd "luv" you to add to it.....why do you feel "fabulous" at the stage you are in your own life!  Please post in the comments section of my blog!
  1. I don't have to get my hair "highlighted" as my gray hair gives the impression of highlights...
  2. I have more time to do the things I meeting friends and chatting over tea.
  3. The older I get, the more I realize, the things I once worried about in life.......rarely happen.
  4. With age, comes wisdom.....
  5. I'm starting to take more time to "smell the roses".....
  6. I realize more than ever, what a "gift" true friends and family, really are!
  7. And...lastly how important it is to have a relationship with God!
I can't wait to read what you post, as well!  I know my blog is new, so it may take a while to gather all your comments.

Today is just a glorious day in Big Bear, it's beautiful, bright & sunny outside!  We are staying at our Cabin, "Chateau de Char~leon".  My hubby came up with the idea for the name.  Char, after my precious Mother, Charlotte, and Leon to honor his wonderful Mother, Leona, who's up in heaven now.

It's been a while since we've made it up to our cabin.... so I still have my "homespun" Christmas decorations up.  They are coming down today, though, so I can put up my Valentine's Day decorations.  I keep a "holiday" tree up all year round and "luv" decorating the cabin for every holiday.

My "luv" of holidays, comes from my Mom. Every year growing up, my parents made sure we had the "best" Christmas!  Although they didn't have a lot of money, they spent it on us....and come Christmas time, they always overdid it!  We had a lot of family traditions.....Mom always baked the most delicious Christmas goodies~no wonder I ended up with a such a sweet tooth!  Our house was full of Christmas decorations, Christmas music and most importantly, love.  I remember my girlfriends and I would dance all around our house to joyful Christmas music, what fun we had!!!  Among my favorite "Christmas treasures" were the small wax candles my Mom used to decorate our table in the living room.  I'm sure most of you remember those candles from the 50's..... shaped into nativity sets, angels and more.  For some reason, they are the Christmas decorations I remember most!!!  

My sister and I would always get our Christmas picture taken in our P.J's, sitting by our fireplace holding a sign my Mom would make out of glitter that read "Merry X-mas and the date".  My "favorite" Christmas of all.....was when my parents made me a "Kitchen" for my Barbie (r) Doll.  They stayed up all night putting it together!  All of the appliances had moving parts and some actually worked.....water even came out of the kitchen sink.  I just fell in love with with my "fabulous" kitchen when I saw it on Christmas morning!

My mom is not a "collector" like I am so almost everything from my childhood got donated to local charities.  One day when I was out "treasure hunting" I came across my "kitchen set" at an Antique store, needless to say, I had to buy it......

I "luv" to hunt for Vintage Treasures up in Big Bear... on the major holidays they host a "Peddler's Market" at the local Elk's club.  Can you believe these darling sock monkey's I found last year????  I've purchased a few sock monkey's over the years, but these ballet dancers are the "cutest sock monkey's I've ever seen"!  So of course, they had to come home with me!

 Which leads me to my

~tip for today~

When life gets you down, just DANCE!!!  You won't believe how good it will make you feel.  Never forget to act "child~like" every once in a while!

ta....ta....for now!  Kathy Renee

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