Tuesday, May 20, 2014

My Life has been crazy busy......the last 2 years!

I'm doing a "Happy" Dance.  I finally have time to get back to blogging, something my Mom really misses as she reminded me on Mother's Day!

I'm not going to look back over the last few years, but instead start fresh.  This blog will probably only be meaningful to my friends and family as it's just about my life...my family....my cats...my friends....etc.  But here goes!

I need to rename my blog to Sixty and Fabulous, since I'm no longer 57.    It seems just like yesterday, I was this little girl, enjoying my first Birthday.  My how time flies! 

Today, I'm tackling my chores.  So far I've finished my front yard, done some laundry, and organized some paperwork.  I still have loads more work to do to complete my Spring cleaning! 

I luv.....to find treasures at my local "thrift" stores!  Yesterday they had 50% off Linens at my local Salvation Army.  I found a wonderful shabby chic duvet with shams for only $5.50. 

I knew I could do something with the well-worn comforter, so I decided to make a tablecloth for my backyard garden and some matching chair covers!

Out came my scissors and glue gun.  I wanted a little project I could do quickly before dinner.  I just luv the way my "shabby" project turned out and I have a load more material leftover to make matching pillows, seed bags and more goodies, when I make it up to my cabin~where I keep my sewing machine.  Not....too bad, for only an hour of my time!  And.....the covers look so much nicer than my sun-faded chair pads!

I luv.....I luv....to buy items that have been repurposed!  Just look at this darling bird feeder made out of a 50's snack set!  I bought this treasure at a boutique last year!

I'm not a fan of NEW, to me, I luv the look of cherished items from the past.  It's fun to imagine who the previous owner's were...and why they saved their treasure instead of dumping it into a landfill!

I can't wait to start working on my organic garden in my back yard....like my neighbor has.  It's time to start eating healthier.  I'll be posting pictures over the next few weeks!

Who....didn't love....watching Dancing with the Stars tonight!  My favorite show EVER!

I've been an ardent fan for years, since the first season.  My cousin and I have been going to the show for years and years now.  And....my hubby and I were even in one of the episodes!

But....watching Max and Meryl win.....was the icing on the cake!  I wonder.....what will develop....now that the show is over!  I hope....they get married! 

ta.....ta.....for now!  Kathy Renee



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